List of Publications

Ing. Stanislav VALTERA

6."Combined hydrothermal and mechanochemical control of structural modifications of zirconium dioxide for catalytic applications", V. Sydorchuk, S. Levytska, O. Kiziun, L. Vasylechko, K. Simkovicova, S. Valtera, B. E. Billinghurts, S. Vajda, J. E. Olszowka, RSC Mechanochem 2, 209 (2025), Front Cover, DOI:, Open access, link
5."Cyclohexane Oxidative Dehydrogenation on Graphene-Oxide-Supported Cobalt Ferrite Nanohybrids: Effect of Dynamic Nature of Active Sites on Reaction Selectivity", S.A. Kadam, S. Sandoval, Z. Bastl, K. Simkovičová, L. Kvítek, J. Jašík, J.E. Olszówka, S. Valtera, M. Vaidulych, J. Morávková, P. Sazama, D. Kubička, A. Travert,  J.A. van Bokhoven, A. Fortunelli,  A. Kleibert, M. Kalbáč, and Š. Vajda, ACS Catal 13, 13484–13505 (2023), DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c02592, Open Access, link
4."Oxidative dehydrogenation of cyclohexene on atomically precise subnanometer Cu4-nPdn (0≤n≤4) tetramer clusters: The effect of cluster composition and support on performance", J. Jašík, S. Valtera, M. Vaidulych, M. Bunian, Y. Lei, A. Halder, H. Tarábková, M. Jindra, L. Kavan, O. Frank, S. Bartling and Š. Vajda, Faraday Discuss. 242, 70-93 (2023), Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D2FD00108J, Open Access, link
3.“Atom by Atom Built Subnanometer Copper Cluster Catalyst for the Highly Selective Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexene”, S. Valtera,  J. Jasik,  M. Vaidulych,  J. E. Olszówka,  M. Zlámalová,  H. Tarábková,  L. Kavan, and  S. Vajda, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 114302 (2022), DOI: 10.1063/5.0065350, Open Access, link
2."Nanotubular Polypyrrole: Reversibility of Protonation/deprotonation Cycles and Long-term Stability", J. Prokeš, M. Varga, M. Vrňata, S. Valtera, J. Stejskal, D. Kopecký,  European Polymer Journal 115, 290–297 (2019), link
1."Dye-stimulated Control of Conducting Polypyrrole Morphology", S. Valtera, J. Prokeš, J. Kopecká, M. Vrňata, M. Trchová, M. Varga, J. Stejskal, D. Kopecký,  RSC Advances 7 (81) , 51495-52505 (2017), link