Yu Lei, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering

Visit of Fulbright Scholar in our Department

Professor Lei speaks about his visit in Prague - youtube

Yu Lei received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Nanjing University in China in 2004, and Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Illinois at Chicago in 2010. His doctoral work, which was partly carried out at Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society in Germany, was experimental studies of model catalysis in the aim to build precise structure-reactivity relationship. After getting his Ph.D. degree, Yu joined Energy Systems Division at Argonne National Laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher. His research focus was applying atomic layer deposition (ALD) to prepare nanostructured materials for energy conversion and storage. In 2013, Yu joined the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) as an assistant professor. His research interest covers the development of new techniques and processes for a wide variety of applications such as nanoelectronics, catalysts, batteries, solar cells and other energy technologies.

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville,
uses a range of experimental techniques including atomic layer deposition (ALD), reaction kinetics analysis, in situ spectroscopy, diffraction and microscopy.
The group is interested in the rational design and synthesis of nanostructured materials for the generation and storage of clean energy, production of chemicals and environmental protection.